I worked at Restoration Hardware during college. It was a mistake. I ended up spending more $$ there than I ever made. $10/hour doesn't go far towards a $1850 Reclaimed Russian Oak Parquet Shelf when you've got college to pay for and ramen noodles to buy. Years later, I eventually came across the Ikea Hyllis Shelf for $15. Visions of industrial shelving that were 99% cheaper danced through my head. So I bought 3 of them - 2 for the dining room and 1 for the kid's play room. Converting the Hyllis to a fancy industrial shelf look alike was so easy it's hard to believe. Buy some wood. Cut it down to the shelf size. Sand the corners/edges to give it a worn down aged look. Apply 2 coats of wood stain. That's it. Literally. AND...I'd like to add a disclaimer that I realize my picture on this wall is too small for the space. I need to make a larger custom frame... that's an upcoming DIY post one day.
HomesteadersCooking & home projects galore! My secret inner-designer revealed. Categories
August 2020